Friday, March 25, 2011

Getting fatter!

Oh the joys of second trimester.  This has been a fun month - I finally LOOK pregnant, I'm feeling Cammie kicking and squirming every day, however I'm not big enough yet to be uncomfortable.  Despite the minor backaches when I'm sitting for too long, it has been a very smooth ride lately.  My appetite is much-improved, and even though I look big in the pictures below, I'm ironically back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Don't ask me how.  Books and doctors say gain 1-2 lbs each week during the second trimester.  I apparently would rather gain 7 lbs in one day, then lose 3 lbs, then gain 5 lbs, then lose 5 lbs, then sit at that weight for three weeks.   My only complaint is the emotional rollercoasters.  I've sat in my car crying myself home from work more than normal lately...and if you know anything about my job, "normal" is at least once a week! 

                                                        almost 5 months pregnant

This month has been busy getting as we prepare for Cameron's arrival.  We ordered new windows for our house, removed the furniture from the "library" (now dubbed "the nursery"), created a baby registry (scariest experience EVER!), and I obsessively show Mike every cute baby dress I see at Target/Costco/website/on other babies.  I've decided I'm going to dress Cammie in dresses every day, and then pray she doesn't turn out to be a girly-girl.  We'll see.  I'm determined to have a daughter that can dig up worms, ask thousands of scientific questions, field grounders at the ball park, and solve algorithms all while in an adorable little dress.  We are, however, definitely going to get her a onesie that says "Level 1 Human".  We have to embrace our love of RPGs just a little every now and then!

Mike and I are already planning our strategies to ward off future boyfriends.  I learned some scary techniques from the best - my dad.  So far, we've come up with: never call them by their name (only refer to them as "your 'friend'"), stare at them as if you don't know why they're at your home, insult their weak handshake, and when it doubt, start carrying a gun.  Both Thad and Adam were deathly afraid of my dad after a combination of these! 

Thanks to everyone for listening to my incessant and obsessive baby/pregnancy talk lately.  And a huge thank you to my neighbor Christy and sister Molly for being my mentors!  I clearly have NO IDEA what the hell I'm doing, so all the advice at least puts my mind at ease that I won't COMPLETELY screw up Cammie.  =p

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's a girl!!!!

Mike and I were so excited to discover that I am carrying a baby girl.  We can officially call her "Cameron Nicole Varga" now!  During the ultrasound we got to see all of her measurements and adorable little body parts.  The ultrasound technician reassured me that her head was a normal size (if you've seen the size of Mike's head, you'd understand my concern and fear of labor!!). 

Mike instantly starting worrying about her teenage years.  He declared an early curfew and no dating until she's 30.  There's no doubt that Cameron will be daddy's little girl. 

view of her face - cute button nose and crazy alien eyes

her little feetsies

Pregnancy is going well.  Second trimester is amazing, although my belly doubles in size every day.  I've felt little tickles and flutters that I *think* are baby movements, although they could very well be stomach gurgles. 

Next steps are creating a baby registry and getting the nursery ready.  I also need to buy some fat-man clothes because my pants are no longer fitting! 

19 weeks