Thursday, September 8, 2011

Little Cammie is 6 weeks old already!

My oh my, how time flies.  And it's even more measurable when you have kids.  I look at pictures of Cameron from two weeks ago and can actually SEE how much change has happened.

So this is my first postpartum blog, and I'm writing it at 1:15am.  This is because it's hotter than hell and I can't sleep, but Cammie is out like a light so I actually get some free time.  For those of you who haven't met Cameron yet, she is an absolute charm!  I couldn't have asked for a better baby.  She rarely gets fussy, usually sleeps well through the nights (sometimes six hour spans), and is starting to smile with a purpose lately, which completely melts my heart. 

Mike and I have taken on parenthood with relative ease.  Sure, there's been an occassional stress melt-down (usually from me), but we've been able to maintain our sanity, our household, and our relationship.  After only a week, we even got to leave Cammie at home with Grandma and Grandpa and have a date night (and my first beer in nine months!!)  We'll see how long our sanity persists once I go back to work on Sept. 19th.  Hopefully we'll establish enough routines that it all goes smoothly.  This all depends on whether we can get some regularity with Cammie's eating and sleeping schedule.

Cameron is continuing to grow and thrive.  She started at 6 lbs 5 oz, dropped down to 5 lbs 13 oz, but caught back up to her birth weight after two weeks.  We weighed her today and she's a whopping 9 lbs!  She's certainly taking on that chubby baby appearance too.  She can sport quite a "milk gut" after each feeding.

As most of you know, I'm not much of a baby person, so I have to give myself credit for surviving the first month and a half.  Let's be honest - newborns are not too exciting.  And my entire life has revolved around her.  So each day has gotten better and better as Cammie has become more interactive and alert.  She's even starting to make cute little cooing noises and can finally fit into some new adorable outfits (thanks Molly and Christy!).  I'm really looking forward to the next few months as she hits more and more developmental milestones.

To conclude, despite nasty diapers, constant spit-up, sleep deprivation, and getting peed on, I am totally infatuated with my little daughter.  You will be too if you meet her.  =)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Last pregnancy blog, so help me God!

There's something about the words "due date" that make you think it's the ultimate deadline.  I've quickly learned, however, that about 40% of pregnancies go beyond the due date, particularly with first-time moms.  THIS is what the doctor should have told me, rather than reminding me "it could happen any moment now" weeks ago.  So, here we are at 40+ 1 day and let me just say that I totally love being 9 months pregnant.  In fact, I didn't *really* want a baby...just a 9-month-pregnant belly, so I am just thrilled to be heading into my 41st week.

                                             40 weeks pregnant - don't I look excited!?!

I meet with my doctor on Tuesday and he'll update me on any progress.  Our back-up plan is to induce me at 41 weeks, so at least Cammie will be born by July 30th, worst case scenario.  That's if I don't jump out a building within the next week!!

On a positive note, we finally got our new shutters put up in the nursery, so I posted some pics below of the finished product. 

                                ^^ Mike painted the little Chibi Zoo characters on the canvases.
                             ^^ New shutters!  And we put up baby pics of Mike and me. 
                                                 ^^All that's missing here is a baby!

Anyways, I'm trying to keep busy and fill my days, so please feel free to call me, visit me, go on long walks with me, etc.  =)  Our next post will be Cameron's birth announcement, so wish us luck!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Only one more month!!

Well, I've gone through the full gambit of emotions during pregnancy, so it's fitting that I experience that last ones - impatience and desperation!  I'm at the "this is getting old" phase and I'm ready to get this show on the road!!  Everything is prepared and organized - we only have a few finishing touches to put in the nursery and we have to fiddle and fuss until we figure out how our damn car seat/stroller works, but other than that we're set.
                                                ^35 weeks and still growing

                              nursery is almost done  (thanks Lindsay- we love the letters!)

All in all, this pregnancy has been a unique and interesting experience.  It has brought me closer to friends and family and has given me a new love and appreciation for Mike.  I am so grateful for everyone's kind thoughts, generosity, and support and just can't wait for everyone to meet baby Cameron!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

32 Weeks and Counting

Only two months to go!  It's amazing how quickly this pregnancy has gone, yet then I look ahead at the last eight weeks and think UGH!  Life has become progressively more uncomfortable, so I definitely understand why most women dread the last trimester.  Luckily I'm still able to sleep well throughout the night, but sitting in a chair for more than 30 minutes is a near-impossible task.  Not to mention burlesque dancing while 7 months pregnant is VERY difficult.  =p

My belly has slowed down quite a bit...there were several weeks where it seemed to double in size, and now it appears to be at a standstill.  I've actually lost a few pounds this week, which my doctor says is normal for this trimester since my fluids are decreasing to allow more space for the baby.  Cameron has been VERY active...she loves to kick and punch in multiple directions at once.  I can tell she will make quite a water polo player!  I've started my kick counts and they usually takes her only 2-5 minutes to complete her 10 kicks.  This girl doesn't mess around!!

Since we're nearing the end, our to-do list is quickly diminishing.  We packed our hospital bag this weekend (hey, you can never be too prepared!) and will be taking our labor and delivery class in a few weeks.  Then all we have left is to finish the last few decorations in the nursery and she'll be here before we know it.

I'm looking forward to the baby shower this upcoming weekend! 

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Entering the third trimester!

Less than three months to go!  Second trimester will be dearly missed, as this month brings on some thrilling new changes, including back pain, heartburn, and starting to actually look fat rather than just cute and pregnant.  However, I'm getting more and more excited to meet Cameron and more and more impatient.

These next three months are going to be busy as we prepare for Cammie's arrival.  We already have the gist of the nursery done (see pic below!), topped off with new windows, ceiling fan, crown molding, and baseboards (thanks Bob, Avril, and Dad!).  And watching Paul, Adam, and Mike put a crib together was just plain adorable.  Baby's dresser is already completely full with clothes (you're awesome Molly!!).  So we're feeling pretty well-prepared as of now.  I even got some first-hand diaper changing experience with my neighbor's kids and had a near anxiety attack watching their messy production known as "lunchtime".  One thing I'll have to get over is my need for everything to be neat, controlled, and well, perfect.  Less than three months and those days will be long gone!

Everything else in our personal life is moving along as well.  Mike managed to miraculously pass his French exam, which means he'll finish his degree in only a few weeks!  Couldn't ask for better timing.  I have state testing coming up this week, and then the rest of my year should finish out pretty smoothly.  We're headed to Palm Springs next weekend for one last vacation together, and we're taking some baby classes in early June.  We'll be plenty busy and Cameron will be here before we know it!

Ok, I know some of you have been asking for belly pics, so I'll suck up my pride and post some.  Much to Rachel M.'s dismay, they're not bikini pictures (sorry - I just couldn't muster up the courage to post that on the Internet!).  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Getting fatter!

Oh the joys of second trimester.  This has been a fun month - I finally LOOK pregnant, I'm feeling Cammie kicking and squirming every day, however I'm not big enough yet to be uncomfortable.  Despite the minor backaches when I'm sitting for too long, it has been a very smooth ride lately.  My appetite is much-improved, and even though I look big in the pictures below, I'm ironically back to my pre-pregnancy weight.  Don't ask me how.  Books and doctors say gain 1-2 lbs each week during the second trimester.  I apparently would rather gain 7 lbs in one day, then lose 3 lbs, then gain 5 lbs, then lose 5 lbs, then sit at that weight for three weeks.   My only complaint is the emotional rollercoasters.  I've sat in my car crying myself home from work more than normal lately...and if you know anything about my job, "normal" is at least once a week! 

                                                        almost 5 months pregnant

This month has been busy getting as we prepare for Cameron's arrival.  We ordered new windows for our house, removed the furniture from the "library" (now dubbed "the nursery"), created a baby registry (scariest experience EVER!), and I obsessively show Mike every cute baby dress I see at Target/Costco/website/on other babies.  I've decided I'm going to dress Cammie in dresses every day, and then pray she doesn't turn out to be a girly-girl.  We'll see.  I'm determined to have a daughter that can dig up worms, ask thousands of scientific questions, field grounders at the ball park, and solve algorithms all while in an adorable little dress.  We are, however, definitely going to get her a onesie that says "Level 1 Human".  We have to embrace our love of RPGs just a little every now and then!

Mike and I are already planning our strategies to ward off future boyfriends.  I learned some scary techniques from the best - my dad.  So far, we've come up with: never call them by their name (only refer to them as "your 'friend'"), stare at them as if you don't know why they're at your home, insult their weak handshake, and when it doubt, start carrying a gun.  Both Thad and Adam were deathly afraid of my dad after a combination of these! 

Thanks to everyone for listening to my incessant and obsessive baby/pregnancy talk lately.  And a huge thank you to my neighbor Christy and sister Molly for being my mentors!  I clearly have NO IDEA what the hell I'm doing, so all the advice at least puts my mind at ease that I won't COMPLETELY screw up Cammie.  =p

Thursday, March 3, 2011

It's a girl!!!!

Mike and I were so excited to discover that I am carrying a baby girl.  We can officially call her "Cameron Nicole Varga" now!  During the ultrasound we got to see all of her measurements and adorable little body parts.  The ultrasound technician reassured me that her head was a normal size (if you've seen the size of Mike's head, you'd understand my concern and fear of labor!!). 

Mike instantly starting worrying about her teenage years.  He declared an early curfew and no dating until she's 30.  There's no doubt that Cameron will be daddy's little girl. 

view of her face - cute button nose and crazy alien eyes

her little feetsies

Pregnancy is going well.  Second trimester is amazing, although my belly doubles in size every day.  I've felt little tickles and flutters that I *think* are baby movements, although they could very well be stomach gurgles. 

Next steps are creating a baby registry and getting the nursery ready.  I also need to buy some fat-man clothes because my pants are no longer fitting! 

19 weeks

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Second Trimester

Well, I'm several weeks into my 2nd trimester and loving it!  I hardly ever get morning sickness, my energy is slowly starting to increase, and I'm only weeks away from being able to feel my first few kicks.   I've read up that our baby can already hear sounds around us (poor thing, having to listen to my endless songs about Nietzsche and Kierky!) and can start to taste some of the things I'm tasting (never too early to introduce your kids to Cadbury Cream Eggs!). 

Mike has been INCREDIBLY supportive.  He's the proudest dad!  He's been taking on way more chores around the house and even gives me daily massages.  Creating this child together has really brought on a new kind of love and respect for each other - I couldn't be any luckier to have him in my life.

In a month we'll get to find out the baby's sex.  Mike is hoping for a boy.  I have this intuitive feeling it may be a girl, but if you know anything about me and intuition, it's probably a boy.  We will, of course, be happy with just a healthy baby.  We've already started to explore some names.  Girl - Cameren Nicole or Cameren Emerie.  Boy - Bradley Stephan or Andrew Thomas.  I dare you to give Mike some suggestions with baby names.  There's a 99% chance he'll shoot down whatever you say! 

Below are a few pictures of me getting fatter.  Just though the world would like to see that. 

                                                       ^^ First trimester (about 8 weeks)
                                                      ^^15 weeks along and starting to round out

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our first ultrasound - and no, it's not twins!

Today Mike and I went in for our first OB-GYN appt.   As I got poked and prodded, Mike got to sit back and look at cute baby pictures.  Attached is the first picture of our little "Fetey" (his/her new nickname after he/she graduated from being called "Emby").  We were both expecting to see a blob, or even relive Rachel's experience on Friends where she breaks down, crying "I don't see it!"  Instead, we were surprised to see kicking legs, waving fingers, and a full facial profile of our adorable creation. 

At this point I'm 12 weeks along.  The morning sickness is finally starting to ease up, and I'm really looking forward to finishing off my MISERABLE first trimester.  Name a pregnancy symptom and I've experienced it.  But, I've finally increased my diet to more balanced meals rather than just pretzels, pickles, and Cup O'Noodles.  I'm phasing out of the salty period and I'm finally enjoying a sweet treat once in a blue moon.  I still have yet to gain any weight (I lost 10 lbs in the past few months from such bad nausea/poor appetite), but I'm sure I'll make up for in the 2nd trimester.  Also, I want to start exercising again, so if you're in the mood for walking, swimming, yoga, etc. please give me a call (I'm not so great at the self-motivation thing). 

A huge thank you so far to all our friends and family who've been there to smile with us and get excited with us.  My brother's driven me to doctor's appts, my mom's there to listen to all my symptoms and remind me about the light at the end of the tunnel, and Laura Ellis buys me soup and calls me often sounding even more excited than I am (hehe!).  You guys are all awesome and we can't wait to introduce you to our little booger on July 23rd (give or take 6 days, according to our doctor)!!